What's Happening at TOGETHER! - Highlights

Notice of Intent to Apply

Date: July 10, 2023

Dear Community, 

TOGETHER! intends to apply for funding from the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program cohort 19, track B, in collaboration with North Thurston Public Schools and RGI Corporation, due August 1, 2023, to fund continued and expanded Club House extended day before school and summer school program services for students and families of Chinook Middle School and Nisqually Middle School. Anyone wishing to learn more may contact Interim Executive Director Meghan Sullivan at 360.999.0539 (work cell) or info@watogether.org. 


Meghan Sullivan, MPA, CHES
Interim Executive Director

Meagan Darrow's Farewell letter June 2023

Dear TOGETHER! Supporters,

It is with mixed emotions that I announce I have taken a new position and will be moving on from TOGETHER! this June. I will serve as the Executive Director of the American Diabetes Association of the Pacific North West, taking my passion for health equity and connecting people to mission driven organizations to a regional level. I am excited for a new adventure after nearly 12 years of services at TOGETHER! and know that TOGETHER! will thrive in a new chapter of leadership.

At TOGETHER! I served as a program manager, deputy director and executive director over my 12 years. I can confidently say that the organization’s program & staff leadership are stronger than ever. TOGETHER! is in a strong financial position and has huge collective dreams for what’s next.

Meghan Sullivan (she/her) will serve as the interim executive director until the next leadership is established with the Board of Directors.

In the past 12 years the organization has accomplished so much:

*partnership with North Thurston Public Schools to steward 21st Century Community Learning Center programming for over 200 students per year – now evolving into a fully multi-lingual, multi-cultural space for students and families to celebrate their language, culture and identities

*Founding the Tumwater Community Schools work in partnership with Tumwater School District & City of Tumwater – the initiative earning state wide and national attention for it’s leadership in helping close the opportunity gap

*Surviving the COVID-19 pandemic with our values at the center and never closing our services.

*Founding our County’s first ever Host Homes housing solution for teens experiencing houselessness without an adult in deep partnership with many other organizations

*Standing in solidarity with our friends, neighbors and community who face marginalization and victimization

*Beginning a journey to center Racial & social justice in our work but also in our leadership structures and ways of operating in the community

Some of my favorite moments have been times of joy with the team. Our silly icebreakers, the success stories and laughing at our mistakes and failures. I am deeply grateful for the 12 years of heart and humanity centered work. I have learned so much and have grown as a person. Thank you to staff, partners, friends, donors and the Board of Directors. AND: Thank you, Kahlo, Kaira, Tami, Sierra, Meghan, Brandy, Azadi & Kate. You all are TOGETHER!.

In solidarity and with love,

Meagan Darrow